[PF AP #101] Hell's Rebels - The Kintargo Contract. Part 4

Игры на весь день (суббота), , 11:00 - 20:00

Сеттинг: Golarion
Система: Pathfinder RPG
Жанр: Urban adventures
Программа: Pathfinder Society
Игру проводит: Robert

Очень шумная партия из 3-4ех существ + не менее шумный Мастер!


Devil in the Details

The Silver Ravens have defeated Paracount Barzillai Thrune and liberated Kintargo, but unless steps are taken to protect what they've won, it's only a matter of time before Cheliax's rulers respond with open war—one that could likely destroy the Silver City. The key to the city's last defense may lie hidden in a sprawling scroll recovered from the wicked inquisitor: the Kintargo Contract. Within this contract's clauses and stipulations lurks a cunning loophole that gives the heroes an opportunity to use Cheliax's own love of law against it, not only securing the city, but also freeing the surrounding region from the infernal machinations of House Thrune and the Church of Asmodeus. Yet as the heroes scramble to parse the contract and Kintargo reels from its recent upheavals, an old menace from the city's past strikes. Before Kintargo can be truly safe, the Silver Ravens must save the city from a monster of its own making!

[PF AP #101] Hell's Rebels - The Kintargo Contract. Part 4